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A Surprising Tip to Finding Your Ideal Career

May 12, 2015 Sheryl Posnick

A Surprising Tip to Finding Your Ideal Career

Embarking on the path to find a new career can be daunting. You can purse anything and everything, which seems exciting--but for many, the idea of too many choices and directions adds more layers of stress. How do you narrow down the possibilities?

Start by making a list titled, "Professional Activities I Hate." Seem unproductive? Why be negative from the start? Well, when you can go in only a few of seemingly limitless options, it's helpful to have a method of elimination. That way, you won't waste your time pursuing career paths that might ultimately leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. To start your list, think about daily activities you really despise. Do you hate to talk on the phone? Are you not a fan of sitting indoors and a computer for hours on end? Does being on your feet all day make you grumpy and exhausted? Do you love working closely with people, or do you prefer a solitary workspace? Writing down what you don't like (and thinking about why you don't like these activities) will help clarify what you do like. Avoiding from the get-go jobs that will leave you unsatisfied is a smart way to find a career you can thrive in for years to come. Take time now to pare down your options so you don't waste it in the job hunting process!

Trying To Find Your Passion? Figure Out What You Hate


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