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How to Know When It's Time to Quit Your Job

Jan 1, 2016 Peter Jones

How to Know When It's Time to Quit Your Job

We’re all a little bit afraid of change. But we should be equally afraid of stagnating and losing sight of why we chose our career in the first place. Here are three signs it might be time for you to consider making a move out of your current position:

You’ve Outgrown It

Admitting this doesn’t make you too big for your britches; sometimes it’s the honest truth. You’ve learned a lot, but you find yourself wishing for more of a challenge. And you’ve run up against the highest rung of the ladder at your current organization. This might be a sign it’s time to put some feelers out—to see whether you might be able to find a position elsewhere that will let you keep growing and achieving more.

You’ve Lost Your Sparkle

You thought you were “doing what you love,” but you don’t love what you’re doing anymore. Maybe you even dread going to work. Live between vacations. Watch the clock. These are all good indications it’s time to get your passion and purpose back, and that might mean a new job.

Work is… Work

You don’t get excited anymore about new projects. You’re anxious or tired or just plain grumpy when you’re at work. Maybe you have a lousy boss or a hostile coworker and it’s eating at you. Before work starts affecting your health—physical, mental, or both—figure out a way to make a change. It’s a hard step to take, but one that can be extremely rewarding—and much better than falling into an endless rut. Remember, work can be extremely satisfying when we’re doing something we believe in and that keeps us on our toes.

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