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9 Signs Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You

Jun 3, 2016 Randy Stancovici

9 Signs Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You

Your cat might look innocent and cuddly but don't be fooled. Behind that cute and fuzzy exterior is a feline with some dark and dastardly plans. So the next time Mr. Whiskers eats catnip that you bought with YOUR hard earned money, consider that he or she might be using that catnip as an energy source when plotting your demise. I know what you're thinking: "But how could that be? How could Mr. Whiskers do that to me? What are the signs? Oh my god, what do I do?" Alright, take a deep breath. We don't want to jump to conclusions. Is your cat plotting to kill you? Probably. But there are some pretty easy ways to spot out whether or not Mr. Whiskers is about to take over your ship. Take a look. You've been warned:     how-to-tell-if-your-cat-is-plotting-to-kill-you Source: []

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