The Job Network

Software Engineer

companyTwo Sigma Investments, LP
locationNew York, NY 10060, USA
PublishedPublished: 8/31/2024
Application Development

IT: Two Sigma Investments, LP seeks Softw Engr in NY, NY. Incls but not limited to design, eng'r, implement, & maintain softw tools & technologies used to analyze predictive models, investments, & fin'l mrkts. Devise & eng'r high-performance data processing softw apps that can handle processing & solving of multi-term optimization w/ multiple constraints. Note: Co. "Hybrid" work attendance policy: In-office work attendance req'd at aforementioned office address for collab days based on each team's req'mt; telecommute/work from home permissible for remainder of same month. Must have Bachelor's or equiv in CS or rel field. Position does not req specific yrs exp but req's listed skills. Must have demonstrated knowl of Python, Java, & C prog'g languages. Must have demonstrated knowl of math concepts such as linear algebra, probability, & numerical optimization. Must have demonstrated knowl of softw dvlpmt concepts on object-oriented design patterns, Unix & Linux operating sys's, & building high performance, high avail, & distributed sys's. Must have demonstrated knowl of debugging & troubleshooting issues in softw sys's w/ multiple technl stacks. Must have demonstrated knowl of softw dvlpmt life-cycle skills incl unit-testing & source code version control (Git). Must have demonstrated knowl of test-oriented dvlpmt using Continuous Integration & various testing frameworks. Must have demonstrated knowl of how to work on softw eng'g projects. Must pass co.'s req'd skills assessment. Employer will accept any amount of exp w/ req'd skills. Rate of pay: $165,000-$325,000/yr (may also be elig for other forms of compensation & bnfts). Send resume to TS/HR Dept., Two Sigma Investments, LP, 100 Avenue of the Americas, 16th Fl, NY, NY 10013 or email resume to TS-Posting@ & ref Job # 12665.

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