Senior Execution Trader (WorldQuant, LLC / New York, NY) -- Apply math technques to handle execution of trades across equities, foreign exchnge, futures, & other asset classes; monitr automatd execution flows & pursue imprvmnts to reduce the cost of implmntng the firm's models. Reqs Master's in Computational Finance, Finance, Math, or Comp Sci or anothr closly relatd field & 2 yrs of exp in positn offerd or as Execution Trader or in similr positn(s). Bkgrd in educ, trainng, or exp must incld knwldge of scripting languages incldng Python & statsticl analysis languages incldng R; familiarity w/ database SQL protocol; exp w/ Unix & Linux envirnmnts; exp in electronic equities, foreign exchnge (FX), & futures tradng; exp w/ multithreaded, real-time programmng; exp buildng financl & dividends projectn models, incldng revenue & earnings projectn models; exp w/ Reuters RFA & Bloomberg APIs coding. Salary $135k to $150k per yr. Send resumes to ref job title in subjct line.