EMPLOYER: Oakridge Dairy, LLC
Increase your chances of reaching the interview stage by reading the complete job description and applying promptly.
JOB TITLE: Animal Scientist (Multiple Openings)
JOB LOCATION: 76 Jobs Hill Road, Ellington, CT 06029 (Tolland County)
Responsible for developing, evaluating, and managing animal health activities for commercial dairy operation. Specific duties include: (1) monitoring herd health and implementing programs to improve animal healthcare; (2) monitoring cows for mastitis, pneumonia, respiratory problems, and uterine infection; (3) assisting in diagnosis and treatment of sick cows, calves, and heifers, including routine vaccinations and preventative management; (4) implementing animal reproduction programs, including performing artificial insemination and assisting with calving; (5) recommending methods to improve overall animal health, reproduction, and nutrition.
Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Agricultural Engineering, or related
Interested candidates should submit a resume & cover letter to HR, Oakridge Dairy 76 Jobs Hill Road, Ellington, CT 06029.